

At Elcam we believe that sustainability is no longer a buzz word but a way of living. As a medical device company, our mission to provide better patient care has deep rooted social value, but acting as a socially responsible medical device company today requires more. It requires a holistic attitude, a balance between providing the best clinical outcomes for patients and caregivers, and maintaining a positive impact on all areas comprising your company, including workforce, environment, economics and community.

Elcam is committed to maintaining good corporate citizenship. We believe that by our sustainable actions and by undertaking environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities, we can enhance collaboration with colleagues, strengthen relationships with customers, partners and society, and create added value.

Download our ESG Report 


Care has been one of Elcam’s core values for many years. Guli Kohn, Elcam’s CEO elaborates:


quote-left-icon quote-right-icon Care in Elcam means caring for one-another; human dignity regardless of religion, sex, race and color; fair treatment of employees, customers, suppliers and owners; providing welfare for the weak and sick and for the communities in which we live, as well as protecting the environment we live in and will leave behind for future generations.

Elcam's Sustainability in Numbers



Women employees


0 countries

of origin



Annual energy savings


0 tons

Annual recycled materials

Social Responsibility

We at Elcam recognize the personal worth of all our employees and put emphasis on their safety, development , as we promote true team spirit.
Social responsibility for us means to promote diversity and inclusion between our employees who represent many minority groups and to provide equal non-discriminating working opportunities.

Elcam’s management takes pride in the diversity of its employees and believes it is one of the contributing factors to the company’s success. Tamar Weiszmann, Chief HR Officer, explains


quote-left-icon quote-right-icon Having people from different backgrounds work together makes us more open to new and different ideas. This also help us in our international ventures when we partner with people from other countries and nationalities.

We are dedicated to investing in the well-being and success of our employees, a commitment that has remained steadfast during various challenging periods in the past and present. Elcam has consistently preserved its workforce and extended health and financial assistance to employees in need, all while operating at full capacity despite the obstacles faced during our many years of operation.


Maintaining a high level of social responsibility as a company also means using all our resources, including philanthropy and community investment, to address priority social issues in our communities and especially creating perspectives for future generations. Elcam's social activities have always been with the intention to use our inner strengths to promote social growth in our surrounding communities. From volunteering in several local non-profit organizations, donations to local hospitals and establishments in need, not forgetting recreational activities for our own workers families.

Elcam’s social involvement also include fostering high school students, promoting technological education through different activities for which Elcam received the Israeli Industrialists Association Appreciation Award in 2015. We have adopted the concept of diversity into our core activities. In the area of employment, we are striving to improve the accessibility of technical vocations in our surrounding population.

Environmental Responsibility

Environmental Responsibility

We aim to reduce our environmental footprint in order to leave a healthier planet for our future generations.

Elcam employees are committed to protecting the environment and conserving resources. Our activities in this field include recycling of plastic bags, cartons and paper, reuse of our raw material (not for Elcam's products or production), and collection of metal waste. We are also working to increase awareness for paperless office and all around employee education.


Energy preservation is another part of our commitment to the environment.

In the last 10 years, Elcam has maximized efforts in order to save energy by adopting innovative technologies like Magnetic Bearing Oil-Free Centrifugal Chiller, air compression systems, humidly enhancing, new air handling units and replacing hydraulic machines with electrical ones. These actions have resulted in significant energy savings of 30% in energy consumption. Our overall coefficient of performance that measures Elcam’s overall energy consumption relative to its raw material consumption has improved by 40% since 2017 and continues to show improvement every year.

In the past 10 years Elcam Medical has introduced local means of environmentally friendly energy generation for self-consumption into its facilities. In our Italian facilities we employ combined cooling, heat, and power (CCHP) or trigeneration systems to convert natural gas to produce our own electricity, heating and cooling. In this way Elcam has been able to produce an annual average of 6.5 million kWh for local consumption, saving an average of 17.5% primary energy consumption every year, as well as reducing carbon emission and air pollutant emissions and increasing energy efficiency. In Israel and Italy, we have been utilizing solar energy by covering our facilities’ roofs with 2.58 acres of solar photovoltaic panels in order to utilize the abundant solar energy for generating electricity, reduce emissions of harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants. This project has led to annual electricity generation of 1,500,000 kWh and a total of 1.6 Million kg Co2 emission saving since its installation.

Business Responsibility

Business Responsibility

As part of our ESG responsibilities, Elcam is obligated to high standards of Ethics and Business Conduct. We operate both internally and externally in a fair and non-exploitive manner, according to the laws and regulations in all the countries of our operation (for example fair wages, employment age). Our managers and employees abide by a comprehensive set of internal procedures and guidelines which are consistent with our commitment to acting with integrity in all that we do.

Click for Elcam’s headquarters whistleblowing email –

Follow this link to Elcam Italy’s whistleblowing portal, as required by the European law


Elcam is committed to rules and regulations concerning cybersecurity. Data protection is important to us, and we take it very seriously. We employ security and privacy measures to protect both our data and the data of our customers. Elcam’s Chief Information Officer, Hatib Muhamad says: “Elcam protects its data assets by using very advanced security measures and by preforming frequent risk assessments in order to protect our data’s confidentiality, integrity and availability.”
